Selasa, 21 Januari 2020

Don't judge people before you truly know them

In our society today, there are so many people judging others. They judge them based on their looks, their job, where they live, how much they earn, and so many more things. Some people think if you're not like them it's a crime, and they judge you from what they see, not caring how you feel. People these days only care about what's on the outside and what you have, they don't care about your feelings or your struggles. It shouldn't be like that, but sadly it is.

Everyday I see at least one person judging someone else, whether it's in person or on social media. I don't understand why people do that; it's wrong and hurtful. It's like we constantly look for something wrong with someone so we can laugh at them or ridicule them, not caring about their feelings. Why do we constantly do that to people? Why are we always looking for flaws? Why can't we accept people for who they are?

Whenever I see someone being mean or rude to someone I always say something. But when I hear about it on social media, it's hard because I don't know them. It's times like these when I wish I could help everyone because no one deserves to feel bad about themselves or their situation. Everyone has a different story and they don't deserve to be judged, especially on who they are and what they look like.

If you don't like someone then that's fine, but you don't have to criticize them just because you don't get along with them. People are constantly being judged on their appearances and their weight. You know what? You're not them, so stop judging them because you don't think that's what they should look like. Everyone is beautiful no matter what they look like, because beauty is what's in their heart and how they treat others!

If you don't think that's what they are supposed to look like, dress, or what their social status is, it's too bad. You shouldn't judge them because that's not what "you" think they should look like or be. Don't judge anyone based on what you see, you probably have no idea what they went through or what they are currently going through. Everyone has a different background as to why they do the things they do.

So the next time you or your friends judge someone, think twice. "Maybe I shouldn't do this because it's going to make them feel bad and it's not right to treat people that way." Maybe instead of judging someone, you could get to know them and be their friend. There are so many people who don't think before they say some things which can hurt another in the long run. Even just a whisper about someone can hurt because odds are, they can hear what you say. Put yourself in their shoes, if you don't want to be judged, then why do you think it's alright to judge others? That's the question, it's like treat people the way you would want to be treated. So if you don't want people to judge you, then don't judge them!

1 ulasan:

  1. menangkan uang sebanyak-banyaknya hanya di AJOQQ :D
    AJOQQ menyediakan 9 permainan seru :)
